The Run of the country

Mise en scène: Peter Yates, USA, Grande Britanie, IE, 1995

USA, Grande Britanie, IE, 1995


Metteur en scène
Acteurs Albert Finney
Matt Keeslar

Spécifications techniques
Infos techniques: ,Durée: 110 minutes
Sonorisation: non indiqué

Critiques (en Allemand): "The wave of films from Ireland hit his trough with this, Peter Yates's ì
latest. A collection of clichés about Ireland, it has a caricature ì
performance by Albert Finney as the bluff, emotionally repressed Irish ì
patriarch, and too much peat, bog, potatoes in the backyard and kitchen sink ì
drama forits own good." DFA ** The Star March 13, 1996
"A rites of passage story about the love between a young boy and girl, but ì
also an often delightful look at life in a Irish village. There's a wealth of ì
happiness and tragedy and finely observed small happenings woven into the ì
narrative. Politics and religion lurk in the young boy's life. Nice balance ì
and major story telling from a fine script. Excellent acting from Albert ì
Finney and newcomer Matt Keeslar." Garth Verdal **** Argus March 23, 1966

General Information

The Run of the country is a motion picture produced in the year 1995 as a USA, Grande Britanie, IE production. The Film was directed by Peter Yates, with Albert Finney, Matt Keeslar, in the leading parts. We have currently no synopsis of this picture on file;

Bibliographie Screen International # 1024, September 8, 1995, pg 29

Referenzen zum Film in anderen Datenbanken:

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