Taxi to Soweto

Режиссер: Manie van Rensburg, ZA, 1991

ZA, 1991

коллектив и артисти

Продюсер Ричард Греен
Исполнительный продюсер Едгар Больд
Помощник продюсера Едгар Больд
Директор по производству Таня Енкинс
Режиссер Таня Енкинс
Сценарист Марина Беккер
Марина Беккер
Оператор Ник Гергольдт
Композитор Ник Гергольдт
монтажер Нена Олваге
Ausstattung Нена Олваге
Kostümbild Нена Олваге
Maskenbildner Нена Олваге
Актеры Елизе Cавоод [Ессиcа]
Cаспер де Вриес [Пост Оффиcе Cлерк]
Вуси Дибекване [Мр.]
Xолиле Длукулу [Таxидривер]
Франтз Добровскы [Армед Патролман]
Мавонга Доминик [Сатчмо]
Дание Йоуберт [Изан]
Селло Мааке Ка-Ноубе [Констабле]
Пьер Кноесен [Констабле витг Гораcе]
Грег Латтер [Бике ганг леадер]
Мара Лоув [Доллы]
Елзетте Маарсчалк [Федорас Фриенд]
Рамолано Махене [Нимрод]
Беллемина Масемилла [Федорас Фриенд]
Гладыс Мглангу [Cафе Лады]
Патрик Шай [Ричард]
Патрик Шай [Федора]
Патрик Шай [Сеcретары]
Патрик Шай [Анастасиа]
Патрик Шай [Арно Теерен]
Патрик Шай [Гораcе]

техни́ческие показа́ния
Типология: Формат: 35 mm - Color,Lenght: 89 minutes
звуковая система: not indicated

рецензия (на немецком языке): "In this Ster-Kinekor released film, Van Rensburg sets himself the tricky task of balancing sentiment and humour. Taxi to Soweto principally concerns a bored, middle-of-the-road, middle-aged, over-pampered, rich, urban Afrikaans woman, Jessica du Toit (played by Van Rensburg's regular,, Elize Cawood), her workaholic husband, Morace (Marius Weyers) and a snappy street-sharp taxi-driver, Richard (Patrick Shai), whose lives become entwined despite the chasm known as the great South African racial divide.

Horace and Jessica's marriage has settled into stagnation in the "wastefully wonderful white-washed world of the old South Africa". But, a series of unexpected events signals a swift reversal. On her way to fetch Horace from the airport, Jessica's car breaks down. She is "rescued" by Richard who in turn is hijacked at gunpoint and Jessica is thrown headlong into "the black experience" of Soweto. Her restricted perspective of South African life is about to change forever.

Van Rensburg explores communication problems within many spheres of South African society: between people of different race groups and especially within the urban rat-race of wealthy whites. He does not flinch from showing the class differences between people living in poverty in sectors of Soweto and the rich whites of the northern urban areas of Johannesburg.

Horace and Jessica's life is characterised by a lack of communication due to Horace's obsession with his work. As in the case of Die Vuurtoring, communication takes place within the restrictions of telephone answering machines and short telephone calls. Horace and his employer simply do not have the time for personal phone calls from their wives. Horace and Jessica's house looks like a fortress, with a sophisticated security system, a vicious dog and high security fences. The purpose is to keep the "enemy" out. In a very funny moment in the film, this security system literally backfires on Horace when he is attacked by his own dog and the security agency considers him to be a burglar.

When Horace arrives home after a business trip his world crumbles on finding a message from a black man on the answering machine, referring to Jessica as "Baby". He starts a long quest to find her. Suddenly his work loses its meaning. The quest resembles a similar process in Die Square, a comedy about a so-called pure Afrikaner, who loses his wife and sets out to look for her in the "strange" urban world of Hillbrow, in many ways alien to pure Afrikanerdom.

As in the case of Die Vuurtoring, the hero in Taxi to Soweto is confronted with his failed marriage by means of an audio-visual recording. Horace sees the break-up of his relationship with Jessica in the form of a television soapie. In a way this sequence becomes a critical comment on the portrayal of relationships in the Afrikaans film "soapies" of the local industry during the seventies.

The people who bring Jessica and Horace together again are, in fact, the "enemy" the blacks from Soweto. Jessica and Horace do get a new perspective on their lives and marriage, and on a changing South Africa. Unlike the pessimistic ending of Die Vuurtoring, their marriage is saved.

In Taxi to Soweto there are no outcasts, nor liberal whites who fight for the rights of blacks such as in A Dry White Season (1988), nor are there the ultra-right-wing Afrikaner stereotypes of Roodt's A Place of Weeping (1984). A human face, although critical, is given to both the activists and the rich whites.

The film was shot in Soweto and Johannesburg. Several languages have been used: Afrikaans, English and some indigenous black languages. This reflects the rich cultural diversity Van Rensburg is portraying. In many ways this is the first filmic presentation of the dawn of a post-apartheid South Africa." (Martion Botha, The Cinema of Manie van Rensburg: Popular Memories of Afrikanerdom,

General Information

Taxi to Soweto is a motion picture produced in the year 1991 as a ZA production. The Film was directed by Manie van Rensburg, with Elize Cawood, Casper de Vries, Vusi Dibekwane, Xolile Dlukulu, Frantz Dobrowsky, in the leading parts. We have currently no synopsis of this picture on file;

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