Sangue e Arena

Casa produtrice: Famous Players-Lasky Corporation Stati Uniti, 1922
Titelbild zum Film Sangue e Arena, Archiv KinoTV
Direttore: Fred Niblo
Produttore: Fred Niblo
Scenaggiatore: June Mathis
Basato: Vicente Blasco Ibáñez [Novel]
Basato: Tom Cushing [Play]
Direttore della Fotografia: Alvin Wyckoff, Alfred Gilks
Montaggio: Dorothy Arzner
Interpreti: Rudolph Valentino [Juan Gallardo], Lila Lee [Carmen], Nita Naldi [Doña Sol], George Field [El Nacional], Leon 'Vader' White [Antonio], Charles Belcher [Don Joselito], Charles Belcher [Potaje], Charles Belcher [Encarnación], Gilbert Clayton [Garabato], Harry Lamont [Puntillero], George Periolat [Marqués de Guevara], George Periolat [Dr. Ruiz], Fred Becker [Don José], Dorcas Matthews [Esposa del Nacional], William Lawrence [Fuentes], William Lawrence [Mozo de espadas], Walter Long [Plumitas], Walter Long [Señora Angustias]
Informazioni tecniche: Format: 35 mm - Bianco e Nero,, 9 ruoli
Sistema sonoro: silent
Prima Presentazione: 5º Agosto 1922 in USA

US Copyright: 15. August. 1922 - ©LP 18230
Distributtore: Paramount Pictures, Inc.

Deutscher Titel: Blut und Sand
Französischer Titel: Arènes sanglantes
Italienischer Titel: Sangue e Arena
Spanischer Titel: Sangre y Arena

Sinossi (in Tedesco)
A young matador, Juan Gallardo, marries Carmen, his childhood sweetheart, while achieving fame throughout Spain. He is happy but succumbs, nevertheless, to the passionate charms of Doña Sol. Carmen accepts the situation but comes to nurse Juan when he is gored. Though his skill has diminished, he refuses her pleas that he quit the bullring; and he meets disaster when, distracted by the sight of a handsome young stranger with Doña Sol at a bullfight, he fails to defend himself from the first charge of the bull. Juan dies in Carmen's arms, in the sound of cheers for a new hero, after assuring her that she has always had his love. (In another version Juan recovers and gives up both bullfighting and Doña Sol for good.) (Turner Classic Movies)

Bibliografia - Carlos Fernandez Cuenca, Toros y Toreros en la pantalla, San Sebastian 1963, pg 66f

Weitere Filme mit diesem Titel

1941: Blood and Sand, Regie: Rouben Mamoulian,
1992: Blood and Sand, Regie: Xavier Elorriega,

References in Databases
KinoTV Database Nr. 24261

Last Update of this record 03.04.2010
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Sangue e Arena - KinoTV © June 12, 2024 by Unicorn Media