Frankie Starlight

IranL, 1995

Metteur en scène: Michael Lindsay-Hogg
Scénariste: Michael Lindsay-Hogg
Acteurs: Gabriel Byrne, Matt Dillon, Anne Parillaud, Alan Pentony, Alan Pentony
Infos techniques: ,
Sonorisation: non indiqué

Critiques (en Allemand): "The charming story of a young dwarf whose love of the stars helps him escape ì
the problem of his lonely, urban existance. Fine performances by screen ì
newcomers Corban Walker and Alan Pentony who play Frank." DFA ***** The Star ì
March 13, 1996
"A muted version of 'My left foot' featuring Irish charm, a disabled author ì
and romance in a family saga based on Chet Raymo's best-selling novel, 'The ì
Dork of Cork'. A dwarf relates the story of his French mother (the radiant ì
Anne Parillaud), who ran from the war in Europe, landed up in Ireland and ì
fell for n emigration officer (Gabriel Byrne) and an Ex-GI (Matt Dillon). ì
Eventually, through the help of astrology and your usual leprechaun-type ì
philosophy, he also finds true love". AW Mail and Guardian March 15, 1996
"Story about a dwarf who writes a book about his life. He also has an ì
interest in astronomy, but this, and several other aspects of his life are ì
never properly explored. Still, there's enough left to show that the power of ì
Irish stories remains undimmed by the centuries." Ian Macdonald *** The Argus ì
March 23, 1996

References in Databases
KinoTV Database Nr. 25822

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Frankie Starlight - KinoTV © June 3, 2024 by Unicorn Media