The Birth of a Nation

Szenenfoto aus dem Film 'The Birth of a Nation' © Griffith Corporation, Epoch Producing Corporation, Epoch Producing Corporation, Szenenfoto aus dem Film 'The Birth of a Nation' Szenenfoto aus dem Film 'The Birth of a Nation'

Production: Epoch Producing Corporation, Epoch Producing Corporation USA, 1915
Szenenfoto aus dem Film 'The Birth of a Nation' © Griffith Corporation, Epoch Producing Corporation, Epoch Producing Corporation, , Archiv KinoTV
Metteur en scène: D.W. Griffith
Producteur: D.W. Griffith
Assistant metteur en scène: George Siegmann, George Siegmann, George Beranger, Monte Blue, Christy Cabanne [(Unter dem Namen William Christy Cabanne)], Elmer Clifton, Howard Gaye, Fred Hamer, Fred Hamer, Tom Wilson, Tom Wilson [(Mitwirkung fraglich oder ungesichert)], Erich von Stroheim [(Mitwirkung fraglich oder ungesichert)], Raoul Walsh [(Mitwirkung fraglich oder ungesichert)], J.A. Barry [Executive and production assistant]
Scénariste: D.W. Griffith, Frank E. Woods
D'après : Thomas Dixon [Novel "The Clansman"]
Directeur de la Photographie: G.W. Bitzer
Musique: Joseph Carl Breil, D.W. Griffith
Montage: James Smith, Rose Smith, Joseph Henabery, Raoul Walsh [(Mitwirkung fraglich oder ungesichert)]
Décorateur de plateau: Raoul Walsh
Acteurs: Henry B. Walthall [Colonel Ben Cameron [The little Colonel] (Unter dem Namen Henry Walthall)], Miriam Cooper [Margaret Cameron, The Elder Sister], Mae Marsh [Flora Cameron, The Pet Sister], Josephine Crowell [Mrs. Cameron], Spottiswoode Aitken [Dr. Cameron], George Beranger [Wade Cameron - Second Son (Unter dem Namen J.A. Beringer)], Maxfield Stanley [[John French] Duke Cameron - Youngest Son], Jennie Lee [Mammy, The Faithful Servant], Ralph Lewis [Hon. Austin Stoneman - Leader of the House], Lillian Gish [Elsie Stoneman, his daughter], Elmer Clifton [Phil, Stoneman's Elder Son], Robert Harron [Ted Stoneman, the younger son], Wallace Reid [Jeff, the Blacksmith (Unter dem Namen Wallace Reed)], Mary Alden [Lydia - Stoneman's Mulatto Housekeeper], George Siegmann [Silas Lynch - Mulatto Lieut. Governor (Unter dem Namen George Seigmann)], Walter Long [Gus, a renegade negro], Joseph Henabery [Abraham Lincoln and several other parts (Unter dem Namen Jos. Henabery)], Raoul Walsh [John Wilkes Booth, Lincoln's Murderer], Donald Crisp [Gen. U.S. Grant], Howard Gaye [General Robert E. Lee], William de Vaull [Nelse, an old-fashioned negro], William Freeman [Jake, a black man faithful unto death / Sentry at the Hospital], Tom Wilson [Stoneman's Servat], Sam de Grasse [Charles Sumner], Fred Burns, Allan Sears, Allan Sears [Flora Cameron as a Child], Elmo Lincoln [White-arm Joe and other Roles], Alberta Lee [Mrs. Lincoln], Olga Grey [Laura Keene], Eugene Pallette [Union Soldier], Dark Cloud [General in the Appomatox surrender], John Ford [Klansman (Mitwirkung fraglich oder ungesichert)], Madame Sul-Te-Wan [A black woman, Dr. Cameron's taunter], Gibson Gowland [Extra], Jack Pickford [[In blackface]], Jack Pickford [Man falling from roof (Mitwirkung fraglich oder ungesichert)], Erich von Stroheim [Man falling from roof (Mitwirkung fraglich oder ungesichert)], Jules White [Man falling from roof (Mitwirkung fraglich oder ungesichert)], Jules White [Man falling from roof (Mitwirkung fraglich oder ungesichert)], Eagle Eye [Extra], Lenore Cooper [Elsie's Maid], Alma Rubens [Belles of 1861], Donna Montran [Belles of 1861], Donna Montran [Piedmont Girl], Charles Stevens [Man who reports Piedmont raid to the Confederates], Charles Stevens [Cameron's Male Servant]
Categorie: Long Métrage
Infos techniques: Format: 35 mm, 1:1,33 - Aspect: 1:1,33 - Noir et Blanc,Durée: 190 minutes, 11335 pieds, 12 reels, 16 inages par second
Sonorisation: silent
Première Présentation: 1. Janvier 1915 in Riverside, California, Loring Opera House [as The
US Copyright: 08. Fevrier. 1915 - ©LP.6677 [as The Birth of a Nation]
Copies existants: Des Copies de ce film existent
Distribution: Charles Stevens

Deutscher Titel: Geburt einer Nation
Englischer Titel: The Clansman
Italienischer Titel: La nascita di una nazione
Russischer Titel: Рождение нации

Bibliographie - Motography, Vol XIII, March 20, 1915, pg 431p
- Motography, Vol XIII, June 19, 1915, pg 1009
100 Film da salvare, pg 20ff; - Jerzy Toeplitz, Geschichte des Films, Band I, pg. 129f

Weitere Filme mit diesem Titel

2016: The Birth of a Nation, Regie: Nate Parker,

References in Databases
IMDb - International Movie Data Base Nr. tt0004972
KinoTV Database Nr. 87248

Last Update of this record 06.09.2015
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The Birth of a Nation - KinoTV © June 14, 2024 by Unicorn Media